Write To Learn

tutoring kennesaw wtl
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What is WriteToLearn?

WriteToLearn is a web-based service providing automatic assessment of both summaries and essays.  The summary component evaluates the quality of a student's reading summary in many subject areas including science, social studies, language arts, and history. More importantly, WriteToLearn follows the guide outlined in the Common Core State Standards for English, language arts, and literacy in history/social studies, science, and technical subjects. With WriteToLearn, the essay component provides students with immediate evaluation and tutorial feedback on responses to essay prompts, as well as the opportunity to revise, until success is met. Furthermore, each child develops the ability to summarize what they read, and build their reading and writing skills across the curriculum. In addition, students can complete school reports, or choose topics from the program, and write a high quality essay or summary.

I invite you to visit the WriteToLearn website to learn more about the program, and to please call me for more information on how we can use this tool to help your child specifically.