
tutoring kennesaw testimonials I will be delighted to provide full references upon request.  Please contact me at mbalint@aol.com for more information.

From Parents:

"My daughter has special educational needs and working with Ms. Balint has made an enormous difference in her academic achievement.  Ms. Balint is a well-organized, friendly, and inspiring teacher.  She has the ability to bond deeply with her students on a personal level that makes them want to come back week after week.  She shows genuine interest in both their academic and personal progress."  Susan R., PhD

"Sue has been an educator for years and has tutored my four children for years.  My children have benefited from Sue and her teaching for so many reasons.  She is excellent at explaining studies to my children and has a special patience for her students."  Maryclaire A.  

"I would like to share my story to let everyone know that Ms. Sue is not only the best tutor available, she is also the best friend a child and parent can have.  As soon as you see her you will realize that she loves what she does, which is why she does it so perfectly.  
    My 4 year old daughter did not pass her kindergarten test at a private school, and they said that she should be held back for a year, but I wanted to try tutoring first and then make a decision.  Ms. Sue helped me by tutoring my daughter every Monday through Friday for 2 months.  The school gave my daughter a second test and said that she knew more than a first grader, and they admitted her to the school.  
   There is no price to put on a child's education, and Ms. Sue is the best compliment to a child's education. I can assure you that she will always reach the student's and parent's goals in education.  
   Ms. Sue, you are the best and I will always be thankful and grateful for what you have done, and still do for my daughters, who are the best treasure life has given me."  Shirley J.

From fellow teachers and supervisors:

"Sue showed a sincere interest in learning as much as possible about Orton-Gillingham teaching methods and techniques, which she has added to her already acquired excellent teaching skills.... I observed [that] each lesson had a good balance of multi-sensory tasks, with Sue creating and individualizing many of the materials she used."  Claire P.

"One of the things I love about Sue is her attention to all of the changes that are happening in Georgia regarding state testing requirements and legislation.  She stays on top of the latest requirements, and is always tailoring and adding to her techniques and methodologies to make sure that all of her students have mastered the skills necessary to succeed in school and on state examinations.  Keep up the good work, Sue!!"  Corinne B.

From students:

"I began to see Ms. Sue in middle school.  Over the years she has helped me in various subjects according to my greatest needs at the time, especially English, math, and writing.  Today I attend Georgia College and State University as a Biology major, and continue to use Ms. Sue as a resource to ensure that I continue to write at the high level she helped me obtain.  Recently I have earned an A in English 1101, and have no doubt that this grade would not have been possible without the care and guidance I received from Ms. Sue."  Cole D.